Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hinoki Gracilis cones ( nuts )

Hinoki Gracilis Cones ( Nuts )

 I was searching google for images of Hinoki Gracilis seeds, but wasn't able to find pictures of them easily.  

Here's a picture of the cones that came off of my Hinoki Gracilis ( Droopy Jr. ) in mid-summer.
Hopefully it makes them easier to find on the interwebs.

I will try stratification on these, plus the few more that haven't come off the tree yet.

Hinoki Gracilis - 2015-08-03 - Droopy Jr.

Name       : Droopy Jr. ( For referencing ) 
Tree       : Hinoki Gracilis 
Age        : Unknown
Height     : 77 Inches
Bought     : Straders Garden Center
Acquired   : Picked up, in Truck.
Damage     : Minimal
Health     : Moderate
Received   : 2015-08-01
Planted    : 2015-08-03
Hole Depth : Tree base to container bottom
Hole Width : About twice ball root diameter
Soil       : Half and Half // Peat Moss, Back Fill

 I picked up this tree myself, due to this, there was less overall damage to the tree from transport. Additionally, the tree was in much better health than it's predecessor.  I also used less backfill on the planting, and switched from compost to peat moss.  Since I planted this in mid summer, I decide to trench out the hole, so the soil could breath better, and I could easily feed nutrients back to the tree.  I understand this method ( especially since the lines dug aren't symmetrical ) could later affect root development, but we'll see.  These trees are usually very hardy, and do not require a bunch of post transplant attention.


Hinoki Gracilis - 2015-05-09 - Droopy - ( Dead ) - :_(

Resigning Droopy
Name       : Droopy ( For referencing )
Tree       : Hinoki Gracilis

Reason For Death

Over watering.

Unfortunately, this was out of my control.  We had almost 2 and half months of straight rain about a week after transplanting.  This is highly unusual, especially as far into the season as we were. I tried my best to keep the soil around the tree aerated, but was unable to keep the tree alive.

I am assuming that there were other contributing factors with this tree's death.  Aside from over watering, the tree lost some foliage mass in transport from Straders, which would have limited root establishment.  Additionally, since the two and a half months of rain were so consistent, the tree lacked a lot of sunlight after transplant.  This tree type can suffer dramatically from sun not reaching the inner branches, let alone outer.

June 20th


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Japanese Maple - Crimson Queen - 2015-08-01

Name           : Causativus( For referencing )
Tree           : Japanese Maple
USA Zone       : Hardiness 5-8
Cultivar       : Crimson Queen
Age            : Unknown
Current Height : 34 Inches
Bought         : Oakland Nursery
Acquired       : In person, car ( 2002 Honda Accord )
Damage         : None, when bought
Health         : Exceptional
Received       : April 2013
Planted        : April, 2013
Trimmed        : Three Times
  • Late Winter, 2014
  • Early Sprint, 2015
  • Early Summer, 2015

May 2015

June 2015

 July 2015